Tuesday, November 15, 2005

God Bless the Foo Fighters

I get asked all the time: “the Juice, you always say you don’t know the first thing about music, but you’re always talkin’ about songs and song lyrics. What’s the deal?” the Juice stands by my statement. I don’t know the first thing about music. I do have a lot of opinions about music, but then again the Juice has an opinion from everything from diapers to toothpaste. You should in no way construe my opinions for facts or knowledge. Cause the Juice opinions aren’t based on either. Who needs facts or knowledge to form an opinion? Hell, I’d rather be prejudice and judgmental. It’s just so much easier going though life that way.

With that disclaimer out of the way, let the Juice say thank god for the Foo Fighters. And the Juice ain’t talking WWII UFO’s, here. No, the Juice is talkin’ about one of the greatest bands. Ever. Even eclipsin’ the Juice’s other favorite band Collective Soul. Cause, let’s face it, if it weren’t for the Foo Fighters, we’d be sufferin’ through some serious garbage. Have you turned on the radio lately? Where’s the rock music? If I have to hear one more whiney singer/songwriter whinin’ about the weather, I just might puke.

And just so we understand each other, just cause radio stations continue to play the Who, by no means means that rock is on the radio. If the Juice never heard from the Who, the Stones, Hendrix and Van Halen again I’d be a happy man for the rest of my days. Seriously. How many more times can we possibly hear these songs?

I gotta tell ya, the only thing the Juice can’t stand more than people prattlin’ on more about their money, are folks that pratll on about the 60’s. “Oh, the 60’s were about change, man. The music, blah, blah, blah.” Fuck you. Sure, you hippie’s may have started a cultural revolution in the 60’s, but obviously you fuckers never heard of follow thru. How about finishin' it? You same hippie bastards, are the one’s who let the country turn into the shape it’s into today. Gee…thanks. Crappy music, crappy TV, McDonald’s and Starbucks on every corner, deficit out the arse, yet another unwinable war. Great!

And speakin’ of that war, why would you former hippie’s allow the country to get itself back into an unwinable war? Aren’t you cats suppose to be these great leaders? Remember the protests in the fabulous sixties? Remember Vietnam? Well..the Juice understands. It must have something to do with selling you soul to the stock market.

Then there’s the "great" music from the 60's. Dang! The Juice's so sick of hearin’ classic Rock. Know why music sucks today? ‘Cause all ya hear on the friggin radio are the same friggin bands, blah, blah, blah. It sucks. Why have the Stones put out another cd? Why? Why? No one cares! Oh...that's right Mick Jagger must have another alimony payment.

My ol’ man and I would get into arguments all the time. And by arguments I mean him screamin’ at me how stupid I was. He would go on about how worthless my generation was. How much our music sucked. How lazy we were. Know how I countered him? You former hippies sold us out. You made us this way. Instead of keepin’ up the revolution, you made money more important. Make money. Make money. Do I gotta remind ya of the yuppie phenomena?

So, the Juice says fuck the 60’s!!!!

But, I digress…

Which beings me back to the Foo Fighters. These cats are puttin’ out quality music day in and day out. Yea, Nirvana may have birthed a musical genre (however sucky Grunge may have been, it’s still fuckin' popular. Which is totally beyond the Juice’s grasp. I guess the Juice don’t have enough of that teenage angst in 'im), but the Foo Fighters, well, just fuckin' rock. Let’s face it, Nirvana sucked. Sorry, Dave. But, they did. And the Juice is glad you don’t play any of that crappy music at any of the Foo Fighters shows. I’d say that in a Blaster fight between Nirvana and Foo Fighters, the Foo Fighters win hands down. However, If we’re talkin’ a Force fight, then that’s a whole ‘nother ball game. Kurt Cobain was seriously dark side. Ever actually listen to some of those Nirvana songs?

In fact, the Juice has gone out on a limb and named Everlongby the Foo Fighters as my favorite song. Ever. For real. Whenever I get asked what my favorite song is, I say Everlong. Go ahead. Ask the Juice. I’ll tell ya. It's Everlong. Another great Foo Fighter song? How about The One? You can’t go wrong with lyrics like:

You’re not the one

But you’re the only one

Who makes me feel like this.

You’re not the one

But you’re the only one

Who makes me feel like shit.

So, god bless the Foo Fighters. May they keep on rockin’. Until they shouldn’t. And end up puttin’ out songs like Kokomo.