Monday, November 21, 2005

Genghis Kahn v Mahatma Gandhi: Force battle

I gotta tell ya, the Juice has been lookin' forward to this one all day. Ever since I read it in the comments of my Force or Blasters, the Juice couldn't wait to sink his teeth into this battle.

But first, the Juice had to do some research. The Juice wants to give a serious shout out to Wikipedia. This is a great fucking site. And the best part? It's fuck free!!! I don't know how. I don't know why. But apparently, the Juice ain't the only one givin' his sweat, blood and semen away for free.

But, I digresss...

So, we've got Genghis Kahn in one corner and Mahatma Gandhi in the other corner. Now, when the Juice thinks of Genghis Kahn, I think pure evil, right? Don't you? It's probably a combination of the media and that stupid movie Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, that the Juice got that opinion. I mean, we all know the media's brain washin' us. Why else would Stacker 2 exist? Do any of you morons know where that "burned fat" goes? It's leaked out your ass. Don't believe the Juice? Do a search. Just remember to use Blingo!!!

In the Juice's research (and by research, I mean briefly skimmin' the page on Mr. Kahn on wikipedia), turns out that Genghis wasn't evil incarnate. Sure, he was a bit of a prick, but then again, what emperor isn't? Look at the dickness of the Emperor in Star Wars, right? Talk about a manipulatin' cock. Darth Sidious makes Genghis look like Mahatma Gandhi (c'mon. Ya gotta admit that was a sweet segue).

Mahatma, as the Juice likes to call 'im, was a bit of a peacenik. Which means, he was a pussy. The Juice just don't get the whole "non-aggression" thing. I don't get how non violent protests work. If they ain't violent, then who gives a fuck? Let's face it, shit never gets done until people get hurt or killed. I guess the Juice is gonna have to make you dust off your 9th grade history books (it's right there underneath your issue of playboy with Barbie Benton on the cover) and read about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory incident again, right?

But the whole non-violent thing worked for Mahatma. Must've been his mojo. Either that or the python hangin' between his legs. Ya don't read much about that sucker in your history books, now do ya? I'm not sure what the hell that has to do with anything, but let's just press on.

I know. I know. It's a lot of readin' just to find out who'd win a Force fight. So, let's just cut to the chase, shall we? I give it to Gandhi.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well put - I am so glad this site is free even though I have a strong urge to utilize Blingo even when I have nothing to search for... p.s. please keep the semen inhouse

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes...use Blingo as often as you can. the Juice has yet to win that PSP

7:49 PM  

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