Friday, October 28, 2005

Double team: The Glory Of...Pt. 2

Welcome to the second half of our “The Glory of…” double header. You can check out our first gal here.

Without borin’ ya with the borin’ details, the Juice had a hard time decidin’ between two hot chicks for our latest installment of “The Glory of…”. Isn’t that always the case? Why should the Juice have to decide? Why couldn’t the Juice just have both hot chicks? ‘Cause society says you’re “suppose” to love and marry one chick? How fucking crazy is that shit? Seriously?!?! First of all, who said anythin' about love? And second, in a world full of hot chicks, why does the Juice have to commit to just one? It boggles the mind. And the Juice ain’t sayin’ he would commit to just one. The Juice is sayin’ he ain’t committin’ to NO one.

But, I digress…

It just so happens that in a span of 1 week, the Juice was sufferin’ through his second horribly bad movie with the missus. I gotta tell ya, that’s the last time I let her go to Blockbuster by herself. I guess I should be grateful that I didn’t have to suffer through the Joy Luck Club again.

But, suffer the Juice’s fate was, through a feature called Crash. This was the kinda movie that was supposed to make ya think. You know. About how racist and stereotypical we all are. Not only does this movie point out that you are a horrible human, but so is the rest of humanity. The only good thing about this feature was the reason we are gather around the campfire tonight. The Juice is proud to present, for October 28th, 2005, The Glory of…

Jennifer Esposito

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Now that’s a fucking intro! C’mon! Don’t give me that look. I know, I know. I’m sure her name isn’t on the top of your consciousness. It certainly wasn’t on mine. But, we are here to expand our limited minds beyond the god awful Paris Hilton’s of the world. Besides, just because her name isn’t on the tip of your tongue (I’d sure as shit like to be on the tip of her tongue, though. Wooooo! Yea…the Juice!), is certainly not to say that Ms. Esposito isn’t one hot tamale (as it were…whoops! There goes the Juice bein’ racists and stereotypical again. It’s a good thing Crash pointed my deficiencies out to me), cause believe you me, she is. It’s that she doesn’t get the press she so rightly deserves.

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To be honest, I didn’t even know her name before viewin' this Crash movie. Oh, sure. I may have heard it here or there, but the name never stuck. But, as the Juice is watchin' this life alterin’ movie, I think to myself: “Now, who’s this lil naked minky mink? She’s definitely crank material. Mental note, find out her name and look her up.” Oh, yea. You read that right. She’s bare in the movie. But, don’t get yourself all hard. You don’t see nothin’. She’s discreetly covered up. No matter to the Juice, though. I’ve got a wicked imagination. And no well-placed bed sheet can hide a naked chick in the Juice’s noggin.

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So, I suffered through the rest of this movie just to find out this gal’s name. After doin’ a lil research, I was surprised to find out Ms. Esposito was on that god awful show, Spin City. I’m not quite sure why I was surprised. I never wasted minute one on the show. I guess, if I had known this vision of loveliness was gracin’ tv screens on a weekly basis, I might’ve committed more time to the show. Awwww…who am I fuckin’ (not Jennifer Esposito, that for dang for sure)? I wouldn’t have waste any time on that show. Even if Ms. Esposito was nude on it. I take that back. If Ms. Esposito was bare on that show, even if only for a picosecond, I’d glue my peepers to the TV screen every fuck week.

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Surprisingly, Ms. Esposito’s been in a few other features. Surprisin’, cause she doesn’t have the name recognition she so hotly deserves. If it were up to the Juice, this gal would be plastered everywhere. Including, but certainly not limited to, the Juice’s crotchal region.

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So, there you have it, 2 “The Glory of’s” for the price of one. It was a lot of work, but you’re worth it. As if…I’ll leave you with one final thought. I swear to the Christ, this has got to be one of the sexiest pics the Juice has laid eyes on in a long time:

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